1 жовтня 2024 року в Українському інституті Америки, Нью-Йорк, відбулася адвокаційна зустріч «Досягнення рівності і Цілей сталого розвитку у процесах відбудови України», одна із підтем якої була «Зусилля з відновлення: ґендерна відповідальність і лідерство жінок».
Участь у зустрічі та інших адвокаційних заходах, організованих Британськими посольствами в Україні та США, взяла участь старша аналітикиня ІКЖЦ Олена Суслова.
Нижче виклад її виступу.
Achieving Equality and the SDGs in Ukraine’s Recovery, 1 October 2024
It is not enough to talk about women’s participation in recovery of Ukraine. It is important to do. We, in Ukraine, we understood it is realistic because we do, and we try to verify every single step implementing WPS Agenda, planning recovery etc.
And yes, I agree - it is very difficult. Many of you know in what conditions we live, we survive, we work these years. Neither physical nor emotional safety is guaranteed. Sometimes I think the lack of security helps us to do unbelievable things.
And we have many examples what confirm - it is realistic.
I mention some of them. Other examples you could find at this QR code.
One of the main confirmations of this is that we have not stopped any of the programs, plans, activities in the field of gender policy after the large-scale invasion started.
Much more - we strengthened some of them and started new ones.
National level
We updated 1325 NAP. Btw we do it every 2 years - to make it more reliable, practical, and realistic.
We work actively on gender sensitization of national plans on recovery including the Facility Ukraine Plan. Btw gender analysis of Facility Ukraine you could find at this QR code as well.
We have tremendous progress on supporting the CRSV survivors establishing and developing the national machinery.
Local level
More 100 local communities developed own local 1325 additionally to regional plans developed by each region.
Close to 200 hundreds of safety audits - it is about urgent steps to prevent risks related to impact of war, to react, to prepare base for further recovery.
Yes, it is important step to gender sensitive recovery plans. Past week we, WICC, presented recommendations on gender sensitive approach to 2 regional plans - Donetsk and Luhansk regions local coalitions 1325 prepared it together with local authority. Donetsk regional administration already included most of them into regional plan they are developing now, and Luhansk will be as well.
Individual level
17 years Roma woman Yana Prodan from Odesa region, who said recently at some meeting - I am the first woman in our family who became the university student.
Nataliya Zakharova from Kalush, small city of Carpathian region I-Frankivsk. She is chair of CSO Carpathian industrial cluster. Her active work on support relocation of businesses from battlefield area regions increased tremendously business potential of this city.
Few examples mirror big picture.
What are guaranties of these successes?
I am founder of our WRO WICC what will celebrate the next year 30 years of our activity. We are one of oldest NGO in Ukraine in general, not only among feminist groups. We started our work on WPS, gender equality not when the russian aggression started. We started to do it much earlier. This year we celebrate 140 years of women's movement in Ukraine. We keep its strong values and traditions counteracting to so called “traditional values” of the aggressor.
It is one argue.
Networking in general and between feminist groups particularly is very strong in Ukraine. I mentioned 1325 coalitions working almost in all regions (btw it is in development because substantial support of British government), other networks like МОЖУ (мир об'єднує жінок України) - ICAN (peace united women of Ukraine) - 1325 experts’ network, etc.
Networking gives us the possibility to act fast, reliable, appropriately.
We work at all levels - strategic, operational, tactical. It gives us an opportunity to see connections between global and local, temporarily and deep, and to react fast and flexible.
And finally, fourth
Planning, monitoring and evaluation, and planning again.
For these processes to be permanent and influential, we need the active solidarity of all those who understand its importance, urgency and consistency.