Exercise for the block "Dialogue of diversity"


Gender solitaire

1. To determine the factors that have the greatest influence on the formation of a gender-just society.
2. Try to reach consensus in the group regarding the priority of ways to achieve gender equality.

Divide the participants into small groups so that each group has 4 players. Distribute a set of cards to each group (21 pieces plus 1 without an inscription). Deal out a set of 21 cards, leaving 1 in the middle, for "buying", placing a blank card next to it. Everyone will have 5 cards in their hands.

Ask each person to lay out their cards in order of increasing priority of the solution proposed on the card, starting with the smallest. One card in the draw can be exchanged once by a player if she or he has one card that they cannot find a suitable place in the priority row.
A blank slate may be needed if, during the discussion, the group decides that it is worth writing another important clause about achieving gender equality.

Play solitaire in small groups, laying out one card at a time, starting with the smallest.
After laying out all 4 cards for the first time, you should use consensus to find one card that the group considers the most priority from this circle.
This is repeated 5 times. As a result, 5 cards remain in the small group, which reflect the priorities of this group.

Repeat step 3 in a large group, offering cards from small groups.
As a result of the discussion, there should also be 5 cards left in the large group.

It is important that during the discussion, especially in a large group, no dispute arises. It is advisable to maintain a constructive approach, encouraging the search for common ground, and also trying to choose generalizing provisions rather than specific ones. If the whole group is unwilling to agree on individual provisions, you can suggest leaving both, emphasizing in the results that there cannot be one or even 5 ways to solve such a serious problem. There are much fewer of them, but this kind of work helps us to determine specific and joint steps.


Provisions for cards

Women should play primary roles in decision-making

Women and men should divide the housework between them

Stereotypes of secondary and subordinate roles must be overcome

Women should also be considered acquirers

There should be laws on gender equality

Women should not be considered the weaker sex

Women should increase their self-esteem

The idea that men are hunters and women are game must disappear
The contribution of women to the economy must be defined

Traditions should be reviewed from the perspective of gender justice

Men should not be scorned for doing housework

Men should have a moral right to emotions, tears, etc

There should be gender-neutral and gender-sensitive textbooks

Priorities in exact sciences should not be given to boys

Physical education classes should not divide sports into "girls" and "boys"

Future parents should be prepared and taught about partnership relations

Women should not attribute their mistakes to gender

Women should remember the importance of education and a decent profession for equal relationships

Women should not focus on the household

Women should not be afraid of men, but remember their rights

Men should reject the sexism of other men