WHERE ARE THE ORIGINS? WHERE ARE THE ORIGINS OF WHAT WE ARE? WHERE ARE THE ORIGINS OF WHAT WE DO? WHERE ARE THE ORIGINS? Let's try to think together on this topic. Memories of UHS are inseparable from all life, so sometimes they seem to be completely different. For example, how did it all start? For our family, this path began through "geography". We lived on Saksagansky Street in the very beginning, so when the rallies near the Central Stadium began in 1989, we immediately found out about it and, of course, went to watch. I was born and raised far from Ukraine, in the village of Orenburg, where my parents were left with a difficult fate after the Second World War. His father was born in the Kyiv region, graduated from the Kharkiv Military School - served on the border with Romania, enlisted in the "Stalin Falcons" went to study to be a pilot, the war for him began in Skomorokhy near Zhytomyr, where now the airport. Surprisingly, for some reason the pilots were beaten over the occupied territory - for this they had to "atone for the blood of guilt." My father did this as a private in Leningrad in the penal battalion, when 48 of the 2,400 soldiers survived. left Bessarabia (my grandmother's village is now in the Odessa region, and my grandfather's - in Moldova) to "free lands".
My parents' disbelief and "Soviet national policy" did their job - I grew up in a Russified family. We had one book in Ukrainian - "Homonila Ukraine" by Peter Panch. The 1959 edition, with exquisite illustrations, seemed to me as a child something mysterious and therefore desirable. How many times have I asked my mom or dad to translate a word for me, but I never managed to read the whole book. When I read it much later, I was glad - I did not fit from an early age and that humiliating description of Ukrainians, and "joy of reunification", and much more, and the expectation of Ukraine something incomprehensible and remained in connection with this book. Living in the village, my mind kept trying to break out of the limited space - then I started writing poems (who didn't write them?), Then holography captivated me, but it all seemed wrong, I quickly threw away what I started. I was a little worried about such superficiality, but I thought to myself, it's not all that, so I quit without starting. If I had something that would embrace me, I would give it my whole life. No wonder they say - whoever asks something from God, he will get it; only those who do not ask for anything specific get what they need. That's what happened to me. Because I got (through "geography" J) UKRAINE.
The first rallies, leaflets, fiery speeches, acquaintances with extraordinary people - all this turned me upside down and forever became a guide that does not disappear, does not betray, does not diminish ... And then there were the first discoveries. Our daughter Nastuni was then 8 years old. At home in the evening, my husband and I read one by one a children's Bible, which we bought for rough money - 50 rubles - on Pushkin in the Metropolitanate from the hands of Filaret, standing in line for the same thirsty as we are. My daughter listened carefully, but it seemed to us that she understood and remembered little. One day we realized that this was not the case at all. It was September. Oles and Nastunya went to the rally, and I had to come soon after "twisting" a few cans for the winter. I coped quickly. But when I ran to the stadium in half an hour, I didn't see the rally, and my dear husband and daughter were frowning. Seeing me, Nastunya cried - "Mom, their fathers will come, their mother will come, they will ask - where is my son? Where is my daughter? And they are not! ” I did not immediately understand. What is it about. But it turned out that while I was "spinning the banks", the rally managed not only to begin but also to end. Young boys and girls raised blue and yellow flags on fishing rods, but the police ran in, tore out the flags, and dragged them to the buses by the hair.
It made a very strong impression on my daughter, it was difficult for us to calm her down, but we hoped that, as with children, she would quickly forget it. However, a day later Nastunya told me - "I understand, mom. It was their cunning temptation - they are not themselves "-" Who? Who are we talking about? ” - "Police. Their cunning seduced them, so they treated these girls and boys. " So said the child. We were shocked, because at that time we, adults, still very often accused the police of such behavior, despite the fact that very young boys obeyed the orders of their "sly". Later, we also realized that this is what our strategy for the police should be - to convince those whom the "sly" put between themselves and us. Let's listen to the children - because the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is behind them.